CNC Folding

A primary process in our toolbox, Yorkshire Laser is equipped with the latest CNC Folding technology for precise metal bending solutions.

Bringing together expertise and technology

Combining our suite of Amada press brakes including automatic tool changing HG-ATC with the specialist know-how of our experienced fabrication operators, we can select the best and most efficient method of manufacture for our customers’ individual requirements.

We work closely with our customers to ensure we deliver the parts needed exactly how they need them and pride ourselves that whatever the requirement, we will have a tooling solution to match.

Folding techniques and specialist tooling options available include:

• Hemming

• Deep goose necks

• Window tools

• Joggle tools

• Radius tool

• Assorted tools for other forms

Advantages of CNC folding

Bend with ease

With a bending force of over 220 tonnes available, our CNC press brakes can fold sheet metal materials with ease making CNC folding ideal for fabricating most brackets, enclosures, electrical boxes and many other metal components.


CNC folding can be used to process a range of sheet metals and plates of various thicknesses.

Automated tooling change

This automatic function enables quick tool changes from job-to-job with maximum precision and minimum down time.


With advanced crowning facilities on all our press brakes, accuracy of parts from 40mm to 4000mm is assured.

The components

Our capabilities

Operated by skilled fabricators, our three top-of-the-range press brakes, all of which are programmed offline, deliver the totally accurate and consistently high-quality results that you’d expect from a premium CNC folding service. 

In addition, our CNC folding capabilities include:

  • Dynamically adjustable crowning to ensure bend accuracy the full length of the part
  • Dynamic pressure referencing to sense variations in material strength and thickness
  • Super-efficient high-speed hydraulic rams to speed up component time
  • Quick action tool clamping  to dramatically reduce set-up times

  • Digi pro and BIS bend angle measurement devices to ensure parts are consistently bent to exactly the right angle
  • Perform multiple bends on complex parts
  • Precision forming capabilities with simple parts and intricately designed components
  • High volume production and reduced cycle times
  • Full 3D controllers linking to offline 3D software generated programmes

  • Easier and faster manufacturing process for prototypes and one-off components
  • Up to 4 metres wide and 220 tons in hydraulic pressure
  • Huge range of standard and  non-standard tooling
  • 24 hours a day, 5 days a  week production
  • From design art to manufactured part with CNC folding 

From ‘art to part’

As well as CNC folding services, we can also provide wraparound support to take your component from ‘art’ by way of defining and designing your product, to ‘part’ when it has been manufactured and, if needed, assembled and finished. Using industry standard design software SOLIDWORKS, our CAD engineers can create 3D models of the parts they are designing to ensure assemblies are correct before production begins. This speeds up the development stage and cuts down on waste traditionally generated by making a part to check it only to discard it, adjust and try again.

The models are then turned into accurate ‘flat blanks’ akin to templates by our Amada CAM software and a folding programme on the press brake highlights the tooling to be used and how to fold the parts. There is only one ‘flat blank’ created of your part and this is used on whichever press brake it is processed on, saving time, reducing errors and ensuring a high level of precision, accuracy and repeatability.

For a professional premium quality CNC folding service get in touch today.