Discover Yorkshire Laser’s street-side enclosures for the telecoms industry. Our extensive range of bespoke telecoms cabinet capabilities is ideal for both outdoor and indoor projects.
We are the ‘go-to’ manufacturer for top-quality sheet metal enclosure design, particularly within specialist sectors such as the power generation and telecommunication industries. These sectors demand unique products, excellent customer service, and bespoke housing solutions. Off-the-shelf products cannot match this requirement.
With secure and weather-resistant options available, our dedicated experts here in Yorkshire can design and tailor telecoms cabinets to suit your exact needs and requirements, so you can house and access telecoms equipment effectively.
Street-side enclosures for the telecoms industry are a common sight and at Yorkshire Laser we have extensive experience in producing telecoms cabinets for use both outside and in.
With secure and weather-resistant options available, our sheet metal fabrication experts here in Yorkshire can design and tailor telecoms cabinets to suit your exact requirements, enabling you to house and access telecoms equipment and cabling easily and effectively.
We have designed and made enclosures measuring from 300mm² to 3m², in a range of metals and finishes, all complete with the requisite ventilation and security.
Our skilled engineering team and use of advanced technology ensure bespoke high-quality solutions delivered cost-effectively and to agreed lead times for you.
Yorkshire Laser is the preferred partner for many major telecoms suppliers in the UK. With more than 25 years’ experience in producing bespoke metal cabinets and enclosures, we are ideally placed to deliver either part of your sheet metal fabrication needs or all of them, while providing full support throughout our work with you.
We have been involved in manufacturing street cabinets, multimedia cabinets and outdoor telecom equipment for multiple clients within your industry, adding value, saving money and reducing lead times on component designs and development.
Whether you require us to produce raw, unfinished profiled and pressed parts for you to assemble in-house or the fabrication of complete components and enclosures, including finishing and ancillary parts, we use only the best technology and skilled workmanship to ensure premium-quality results that protect vital infrastructure every single time.