We invest in skills and technology to ensure our design, sheet metal prototyping and manufacturing processes are as innovative and cost-effective as possible.
At Yorkshire Laser & Fabrication we believe that the key to any successful end product is to perfect the initial design process. That’s why we have invested in the most up-to-date design software as well as an experienced team of engineers to specialise in every area of the sheet metal prototyping process.
We understand that a successful finished product always starts with developing a prototype to ensure that the product meets the desired functionality and safety tests. A lot of people forget the importance of prototyping and focus purely on the end product but to save money and time and get the best final outcome, it is important to prototype first.
Using sheet metal prototyping to understand your end product
Unlike traditional sheet metal shops that offer sheet metal prototyping services, here at Yorkshire Laser, we use CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology coupled with experienced CAD engineers to create initial prototypes in model space to provide you with a realistic impression of how your end product will look before the sheet metal fabrication work begins.
If there are any errors or problems that arise during the design process, the prototype can be improved and tested again, and this process is repeated until the product is fully functional and the desired shape has been achieved. This ensures that your product suits your exact requirements as we work alongside you as trusted partners to develop and improve your products.
Yorkshire Laser offers sheet metal prototyping for a variety of industrial applications. Using cutting-edge machinery, we strive to provide a fast turnaround with optimum accuracy whilst keeping you informed every step of the way.
Sheet metal parts typically have thickness levels ranging between 0.5mm and 3mm. A metal sheet thicker than 3mm is typically described as a “metal plate” and those thinner than 0.5mm are known as “foils” or “leaf metals.”
Functional testing is vital for ensuring that a prototype part will actually perform as intended. Without functional testing, there would be no way to know if a design flaw in a particular sheet metal part, would cause the product to fail in its intended application.
Spotting errors in a prototype can save your business time and money in the long run. This is because if a product is developed without a prototype and a design error is found later in the process – either at the stage of sheet metal cutting or fabrication – this can cause serious setbacks with additional financial outlay required to correct the problem. Commonly, this is in the form of additional sheet metals or the need for a completely different manufacturing process. The prototype can be checked for fit and movement and once the process is complete, we can quickly and easily produce initial prototypes for you to test prior to series production.
Prototypes are also often used to sell an idea to management or colleagues who might have difficulty envisaging seeing a physical item. Being able to show people the basic elements of a concept, how it operates and what it can do is much more likely to get you a green light for further development than talking in abstract ideas and generalities.
Your creative juices may have slowed when developing an idea in your head or sketching it out on paper. A prototype helps to see the flaws in your current idea and allows you to physically see what areas need to be developed before it becomes a success. Prototyping helps to break down the risk in financial terms and help to produce a successful product in the future.
At Yorkshire Laser and Fabrication we understand that getting the prototype right is key to the success of any project.
We have invested heavily in the skills within our team and technology to ensure our design and manufacturing processes are geared towards the most innovative, cost-effective, and well-made sheet metal products for you.